Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kidnapped by Clayton Missouri CPS


Kidnapped by Clayton Missouri CPS

Tyranny inside the St. Louis County Family Court Steels and Conceals Innocent Mothers 2-year-old Daughter.

The father molested my daughter Riley in front of me while holding me down on the couch by my neck. He stuck his finger where it should have never been shoved it in my mouth and told me that was the finger he used on her the night before!!!!!!!!!!!!! He threatened my life telling me that he couldn’t let me live. I was scared and shocked to say the least. The next day supposedly this girl I worked with called in a hot-line. After I made a report with the overland police department, we drove Riley to the hospital. Minutes after arriving home with Riley from the hospital (FYI diagnosis was sexual abuse), the father’s mom Ina Oaks showed up at the house. She told me she wasn’t on anybody’s side and I looked like I needed some sleep. She convinced me that if I needed sleep or anything I could call her. (the father was in jail) She left.
I later called Ina Oaks to watch Riley while I slept or figured out what I needed to do. She agreed to bring Riley home before the father’s release from jail. I called her later and asked why have you not called me and where is my daughter!?!!!! Ina Oaks said she would not return my child and told me that the father was out of jail and he was over there!! I told her to bring Riley home to me. Ina said “over my dead body”! I was begging her to bring Riley home. She said “what do you want Kim, do you want money”? I’ll give you 5 thousand dollars if you will just leave. I will raise her and you can do whatever it is you want to do! I told her I didn’t want her money and asked her why would she say that. I said I’m coming over to her home to pick my daughter up. I told her to get Riley away from that nasty man who molested her. When I got to their home I did not step foot on her property. Her husband Michael Oaks was outside and said he was calling the cops and I said please do. I told him to go inside and get Riley and bring her to me. Michael Oaks laughed and said ”yeah right”! The police came and would not remove the father nor my daughter from the Oaks home and give her back to me. The Overland Police Department were the ones who responded to the child molestation call. I waited mad and confused. Amanda Eaton of Clayton County CPS showed up. She would not come speak to me before she spoke to everyone else. Amanda Eaton told me that either Riley stays with the grandparents or went into foster care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM A GOOD, LOVING MOTHER AND I WANT MY BABY BACK!!!!!! We went to court the next day and Sarah Renschen with no right told the judge that she thinks Riley should stay with the grandparents or go to foster care! The judge put her in foster care!! I have moved from that sick mans house! I work daily, I live in a beautiful home with my Aunt and Uncle. My daughter has lost her sense of self. She is  unmotivated, its hard to get her to laugh. She is sluggish and sad!!! I have asked the case worker Heather Graham why she is being kept from me and she tells me I have to ask Sarah Renschen because she does not know.
I ask this woman Sarah Renschen and she tells me that she is worried I’m overwhelmed by what the father did!!!! There are NO charges against me nor is there a reason for any. My daughter is suffering in foster care. She has been molested and she needs me. My Child Has Been Stolen From Me By Clayton Missouri CPS!!!!! I feel Sarah Renschen is a very evil and a ruthless woman with no morals!!! My daughter has been molested and now she is keeping her away from me unjustly. I hurt for my daughter and I am very worried about her safety in CPS captivity!!!!!!! In the best interest of the child; I WANT MY BABY GIRL OUT OF EVIL CPS CARE! I AM HER LOVING MOTHER! RILEY NEEDS TO COME HOME SAFE and ALIVE!!!!!! 

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Free Riley



Child Abducted By STL CO MO CPS

Keenan, Abducted & Forcibly Drugged by Clayton Missouri CPS MONSTERS

YouTube - ShreddedSociety's Channel

Child abuse: when family courts get it wrong

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  1. please email me nlminstl@gmail.com

  2. HI @ nicole Molitor I see this blog is dated did she ever contact you , I'm looking to get permission to use her exerts where she references the djo

  3. HI @ nicole Molitor I see this blog is dated did she ever contact you , I'm looking to get permission to use her exerts where she references the djo
